Sump Pumps for Basement Waterproofing
Many homeowners with flooded basements want to install the best products with the most value. We at are no different at Crawl Space Ninja. We have used many different sump pumps over the years from the least to most expensive, providing us with insights on features that make a great sump pump. Things like type, warranty and flow rate determine our recommendations.

Types of Sump Pumps
Basement Ninja uses cast-iron sump pumps versus plastic. Many plastic pumps have a shorter warranty and discharge less water. Investing in a cast-iron sump pump will ensure it works when needed.
Submersible vs. Pedestal Sump Pumps
Best Sump Pump Warranty
Sump pump warranties range from 1 year to 5 years. Most waterproofing contractors we meet use 1 to 3-year warranty sump pumps. Basement Ninja has decided to install sump pumps with 5-year warranties. Our service agreements can extend the warranty to Limited Lifetime.
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Sump Pump Flow Rate
When choosing the best sump pump, make sure it has a high flow rate. Every sump pump we install for basement waterproofing has a high gallon per hour flow rate. For large basements or basements in wetlands or near large bodies of water, adding a secondary sump pump may be needed.
Float Switch Types
Meet Crawl Space Ninja Founder, Michael Church, as he shares his sump pump expertise. For more informational videos on how to optimize your basement, crawl space or attic, visit our popular YouTube channel.