Black Mold – Stachybotrysimage of black mold

Do you have black mold? Believe it or not many people think they have black mold otherwise known as stachybotrys but they don’t. Mold black in color does not mean it is stachybotrys. Mold gets its color from its food source. I have seen stachybotrys growing on an orange tongue and groove pine and the mold was orange. The polyurethane from the pine turned the stachybotrys orange. We found the orange mold to be stachybotrys after mold testing.

What is Black Mold

Stachybotrys is a genus of mold which asexually reproduces. What makes it dangerous is it produces mycotoxins. A mycotoxin is any toxic substance produced by a fungus. Black mold creates one of the most deadly forms of mycotoxin. Stachybotrys mycotoxin is used to defend itself in the wild world of fungus war. We just happen to be casualties of that war. Many believe black mold is the most toxic mold that can be found in a home or office. Not all fungus is toxic to humans. The spores of black mold can often cause health concerns.

Picture of free black mold assessment

Where is Black Mold Found

Mold can be found anywhere in our living environment. Long term moisture damage is the main cause of black mold. It is many times the last mold to show up on the scene. Penicillium, aspergillus and cladosporium precede stachybotrys in most cases. They can appear black in appearance. Penicillium, aspergillus and cladosporium are often confused with black mold which is why testing should be performed to determine the species. Mold loves to grow on subfloors around toilets and showers. It can be found in wet basements, attics and crawl spaces. Drywall or sheetrock is a great food source for mold. Stachybotrys loves materials high in cellulose and low in nitrogen.

Black Mold Symptoms

Some of the symptoms that you may experience from mold irritation might include stuffiness, wheezing, eye irritation, skin irritation and more. Exposure to mold doesn’t always present a serious health problem. Weak immune systems are the cause of many mold health problems. Long term exposure to mold and weaken your immune system. Children and senior citizens should take extra precautions to limit mold exposure. Seek medical attention if you suspect you have been exposed to mold.

In the 1990s, this type of mold was associated with a number of deaths in Cleveland, Ohio. The most dangerous types of mold commonly appear in a greenish black format and they are usually sooty and slimy.

Black Mold Removal

Removing these types of molds yourself without any type of safety equipment can be a very dangerous process. You should strongly consider contacting a mold remediation company to address any mold problem. Mold is difficult to clean. Using improper cleaning methods could expose your family to harmful mold spores. Keep a watchful eye out for mold spores in damp areas like your crawl space and basement. Watch for mold growth after a flood or water damage.

Crawl Space Ninja can Help You with Mold Remediation

Do you need help with crawl space encapsulation or mold remediation? If so, please contact us to schedule your assessment.

Contact us if you need help repair your crawl spacebasement, or yard drainage.

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