Why is my pet getting sick? Many things in life can cause a pet to get sick. One key possibility that might be harming your pet is the air it breathes. Everyone should check the quality of indoor (and outdoor) air.
Yes, your beloved four leg friend could show some signs of lung problems without you even noticing. Maintaining the quality of the air in your home is crucial for healthy lungs for everyone in your home. (including pets.)
Many might ask “How do I know if my air quality is bad?” The simply answer is to call a professional to drive by your house and check the air quality.
Calling a professional is inevitable, Mr. Holcomb, a home expert, best describes it as, ” … a screening tool much like a self breast exam would trigger further evaluation for a professional diagnosis.”
It is not worth spending less on less reliable self test kits. At the end of the day you would have to call a professional to help you improve the air quality.
The following question you might have is: ‘What are some possible variables of poor air quality?’
Indoor Tips
The link between humans and pets is visible and it really shows in the overall health. Furthermore the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency shows us more similarities here.
Another noteworthy fact is that indoor air quality lowers when tobacco, cooking and other sources of heat are functioning. Additionally, pets in rural and suburban homes utilization of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides can get inside the house.
Not to mention that Urban pets have to avoid smog and air pollutants from getting inside your home. Lastly dirty carpets, air filters and floors contribute to poor air quality. To summarize, change you air filter as need be, vacuum frequently, avoid smoking and avoid harmful cleaning products.
Outdoor Tips
While it may seem difficult, reducing one’s carbon footprint is is easy. One fun way to reduce air pollution is carpooling. You can go in the same car with your friends and or family to avoid additional air pollution.
Another thing you can do is use public transportation when possible. Using public transportation reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Lastly, when you go on a walk avoid high traffic areas.
Most places near roads contain car emissions, dust, pollen and chemicals which weaken your pet’s lungs. (along with your very own lungs) Try walking your pet in a pet park.
If you live in the city and you can’t go out to the suburbs don’t worry. Even park in urban areas are trying to cut down on pollution.
For instance, Pet Safe Dog Downtown Dog Park in Knoxville, TN offers an infiltration system that prevents pollutants from the air. If you live in the suburbs try walking your dog when cars not not around.
The best times are a little after 9 a.m. when everyone’s off to work or a little after 7:30 p.m. Lastly try walking along the grass because it offers the most protection for your pet’s paws.
When we travel we don’t have much options when it comes to lodging for ourselves. Not to mention that it is harder to find hotels that allow pets. But what I am about to tell you will change the way you view hotels forever.
Most Hotels try to swindle you or it is dirty. IF you happen to find a pet friendly hotel make sure you know what you signed up for. (Here is an article that reveals some unknown policies.) Always ask about the costs and terms, that way you don’t have any surprises.
Additional Solutions
Try to avoid smoking near your pet. Pets living with smokers face greater risks than the owner. The considerable amount of time pets spend on the floor increases the likelihood of sickness.
Additionally a 2011 study found cats exposed to the chemicals from smoke reduced the production of the cats’ lungs. On the flip side, cats without smokers showed no signs of lung damage in any way, shape or form.
Not to mention that things that make humans sick also make animals sick. That being said, remember to replace the air filter in your home. Make sure your house is ventilated. If you have clean air in your house, that is half the battle.
Clean air in your house will maintain the health of your pet and yourself. The rest of the battle lies outside and with our guidance you can minimize poor air quality from harming your loved ones.